Vulnerability Assessment

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A vulnerability assessment is a process of examining a system for security weaknesses to determine if it is vulnerable to typical security risks, then classifies, prioritizes, and recommends remediation or mitigation steps.

Vulnerability assessments provide organizations with critical insight into weaknesses in their systems and enable a comprehensive and structured approach to identify, prioritize, and address security risks. The process may target different system layers such as:

  • Network: analyze if a network and services operating on it are vulnerable or subject to security misconfigurations;
  • Host: identify security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in a particular host connected to the organization’s network;
  • Application: analyze if an application is vulnerable to typical security risks such as OWASP Top 10 and CWE Top 25.
Application Security

How does vulnerability assessment work?

The process utilizes automation tools and manual assessment employing security risk guidelines such as OWASP Top 10 and CWE Top 25. It consists of the following stages:

  • Scanning: examining whether the target is vulnerable and subject to security misconfiguration;
  • Analysis: identifying the root cause of the weaknesses and recommend remediation or mitigation steps;
  • Risk Assessment: prioritizing the identified weaknesses based on assets being at risk and skills required to exploit the weakness;
  • Remediation: recommending remediation or mitigation steps for each weakness;
  • Reassessment: once the recommended remediation or mitigation steps are applied, each weakness is tested again to confirm the fix.